Sep 11, 2008

Political Party: Who to Choose?

So the new election is coming up and I have no idea who I want to vote for yet. I have been strongly a one party kind of guy in the past but things have changed. The politicians have not been speaking to anything that I feel is important and the things that are fairly related have way off base of what they should do. It seems like they all want to just say blanket empty statements and not tell us what they will actually do.

Right now, they are all bashing each other which makes for very bad political situations. I really do not think Harper has done that bad of a job but he still scares me when he calls elections like this to try and get a majority even though the house of commons was still working well.

I think the three biggest problems that need to be addressed right now is the economy, the environment and how to bring Canada to the international level that it should be.

Please tell me who to vote for because right now it is a juggling act between these 5 candidates.


Khang said...

Vote for whoever in your riding will best prevent a Conservative majority. Look at the last election, if the winner was a Conservative, vote for the runner-up, else, vote for the incumbent.

Honestly, the Liberals seem to line up with what you're looking for, even if Stephane Dion is an uncharismatic schmuck. They are the only party that can bring the environment to the top of the table (Green is too small), and the country's finances and economy were excellent under the Liberals in the last 2 decades, despite the "corruption".

Comedy Option: Votez Bloc Quebecois!