Nov 25, 2008

Film Reel Review: Four Christmases

Now that Christmas is coming up really really really fast these day......only one month away......I am looking forward to seeing some new Christas movies. The trailer for it looks extremely funny. I have always like Vince Vaugn and this one should be no different.

So if you want to go see it give me a shout....except not this weekend.....or the next.......maybe not the one after that either. Way toooooo busy.

Wacky Website: Monty Python Channel

So the the Monty Python corporation has put all of their videos plus more on a specialized channel on YouTube. It is actually kind of neat that they are willing to put all their vids in good quality on there. There are many on there right now which is good plus they are really funny. Just check out the promo video that is one there.

Nov 23, 2008

New Music: It's a New Day

Witha ll the hype around Barack, here is a bit more. We all know how much I like politics and here is another song of Will.I.Am supporting the election that just happened. It is pretty catchy as well.

Tell me what you think of it......

Nov 22, 2008

New Music: Guns n' Roses with Chinese Democracy

The new single and album called Chinese Democracy by Guns n' Roses is supposed to be released tomorrow. Be sure to check out their new single below. It actually sounds good. I am pleasantly surprised with how good it sounds and brings back some good music from way back when.

Check it Out!!!

Nov 21, 2008

Sporting Goods: Insane Loss by the Raps

Just have to say that the loss tonight was unbelievable and I think it was Carter's way of saying that he hates TO now. He absolutely killed the last quarter and the overtime quarter. I am so upset. I might write a very mean letter to Carter's people this weekend. If I don't, I will make sure to say some mean words when I am alone.

Green Planet: Hydro-electric Power

I hope that most of us know that Ontario and Canada is one of the largest producers in the world of Hydro Electric power. With this, we have a great responsibility to continue building on this success within this area. I am glad to hear that Ontario Power is building new projects that are a giving greener future for our country. For example , they are building a Niagara Tunnel system that will power 160,000 homes and a Lac Seul station that will produce 12.5 Megawatts. I hope that they decide to start building even more if it is possible or start venturing into other forms of green energy such as wind very soon. The window to start is growing smaller every day.

New Music: Hot n' Cold

So I have seen the new video for Katy Perry's song called 'Hot n' Cold'. Overall it is not a very good song but also, it is a really weird video. First of all, she goes from getting married to dancing in an 80's dance group. Second. she acts like a crazy bride on cocaine. Thrid, the priest during the first part of the video is dancing like a weird person in a rave. Finally, it all ends up beign a farce and after the groom says 'I Do' everyone jumps up and yells for some reason.

Overll check it out and make comments on it like I have.

Nov 17, 2008

Techy News: Microsoft Live Workspace

Just noticed this on the Microsoft Canada website and it is an extremely good idea. If you have a hotmail account already, you are automatically able to use this service that is offered in the Beta stage. It is bascially just a repository or online hard drive where you can keep office documents that you want to access from other computers easier. I think it said it will hold up to 1000 documents so I think that will be enough.

As well, it is really easy to use. Take a look at the interface below.

Movie Real Reviews: Role Models

Went and saw this movie last weekend and it did not dissappoint. It may have been that I just had McDonalds and there was a funny encounter of a very drunk young teenager or that I was in the mood for something very funny. Either way I would suggest seeing it. There were some parts that were just weird such as the sword fight parts (Don't worry you will see) but overll it worked.

It think all four of the leads are extremely good actors even if 'Stiffler' plays the exact same character in every movie.

Take it from me, because I am a very reliable source, go and see it.

Green Planet: Geothermal Heating and Cooling

I have heard about this eco friendly way of heating your house over the past couple of years and have decided to find out more information on the system. Ultimately it uses the earths natural heating/cooling to create a thermal environment for your home. I think the only problem for this system is that is not as easy as other methods to install and therefore a bit more money. Here is the basic idea below.

Some clear reasons to choose:

  • Extremely efficient as it craetes up to 6 times the energy it takes to run

  • Extremely sustainable as the heat from the earth will never end

  • Expensive but the estimated pay back period is only five years

For all you engineers out there (which I know there are many) check out the specs of the system and what it uses to work properly.

Nov 8, 2008

New Music: Tegan and Sara and Kings of Leon

Just saw this new video by Tegan and Sara called Call it Off and I think it is a good tune. Check it out below.

Also, be sure to check out the new song called Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon. This one I am really into as well.