Aug 31, 2008

HUGE PARTY: Molson Canadian Mega Keg Weekend

Last night was extra crazy especially when I won two passes to the Molson Canadian Mega Keg party. There is supposed to be a lot of beer, bands, food, games etc etc etc etc. Have not found out all the details yet but it should be a crazy weekend.

Aug 30, 2008

Sporting Goods: Started Playing Squash Again

Finally, I have someone in Ottawa again that loves playing squash as much as I do. If you have never played the sport I really recommend that you do.

Squash is a game of strategy and intense cardio for the avid racket sport player. I would have to say it is my favourite racket sport out of all of them inlcuding tennis and badminton.

Find the link below for the World Squash Organization official rules and regulations. The video that is posted is the 2006 Canadian Men's Finals.

Techy News: Ford/Microsoft Sync Device

Aug 26, 2008

Wacky Websites: Newgrounds

This site has some pretty fun items all over it. It has videos, games etc etc. But the great thing is that I think it is mostly user generated and that people make these games. Try some of them out because they can get mighty addictive. My favourite ones to play are defence games for some reason.

Have hours upon hours of useless fun!!! Check out the link below:

Songs for the Soul: Barack Obama Music Video - YES WE CAN

This is an amazing video for hope and courage that a bunch of celebrities made with one of Barack Obama's speeches. I think he is an amazing speaker and he can really command an audience.

I hope that one day there will be a charasmatic hopeful in Canadian politics that will once again bring young people to start voting. We may need someone like this again in the future.

PS. Listen to the words of the speech/song because they are really good.

Aug 24, 2008

Petting It Out: Bandita Arrives

Chelsey and I have officially received our new kitten this weekend and she has to be one of the cutest cats I have ever met. She constantly purrs and she really seems to be getting used to us (and the toys). Take a peak at just some of the mountains of pictures that we have taken of Bandita so far. At the end is a sneak peak video.

Aug 16, 2008

Songs for the Soul: If That's Not Love

So I heard this song after my sister in-law made a video at the cottage and used it. For some reason I can't get it out of my head and it is driving me crazy.

It is a bunch of young kids but it could Britney Spears depending on what day of the week she is singing.

Hopefully you find it as intersting as I do.

Sporting Goods: Usain Bolt the New Fastest Man Alive

Another amazing win by another Olympic athlete, Usain bolt of Jamaica. He shattered the record of Donovan Bailey and set a new world record. He didn't even race the entire time. The last 20 metres he stopped running which is insane.

I can't wait to see this guy run in the next Olympics and shatter his own record.

Aug 15, 2008

Sporting Goods: Michael Phelps is a Swimming GOD

Michael Phelps is probably the most amazing athlete I have seen in a long time. He is crazy fast in the pool and not only winning gold medals but also breaking world records every time.

I think someone should definitly screen this guy for some roids becuase they need to prove he isn't doing them for sure. I hope that he breaks the one Olypmpic record of 7 golds because there may not be many more people in the future that can do it.

Techy News: Microsoft Surface Tables

I know this is acutally fairly old news but I bet companies are going to start using them very soon. It is amazing how cool these are. Check them out. The only thing I have to say is that I can't wait for them to come out in the retail space and you can start using them when you are watching TV and such as your coffee table.

This should be a really fun next few years for computers that is for sure.

Aug 13, 2008

VLOG: Chirs Bosh Leaving for China

I just came across this on You Tube and Chris Bosh is talking about leaving for Chine the next day and playing Canada in their first game. Unfortunatly, this is the game where Canada lost.

I was so amazed when I noticed how many videos that Boss does of himself. He always ends up repeating himself 20 times in the videos too.

Sporting Goods: Canada is a Farce

I know I haven;t posted in a long time but I was away on vacation and loving every minute of it. Other than that I have been watching the Beijing Olympics and have been utterly disappointed. Canada is performing worse than a 6 year old girl playing in an NFL pre-season game.

Needless to say, Canada needs some type of reform with sports becuase we always seem to get EMBARRASSED at the summer games. One swimmer for the US will most likely beat all of Canada combined together.

Other than that, all the hype before the games was kind of weird. They really don't talk about it anymore and definitly will stop talking about it once the games are over.

Anyways, here is to our first top ten finish.......