Last night was extra crazy especially when I won two passes to the Molson Canadian Mega Keg party. There is supposed to be a lot of beer, bands, food, games etc etc etc etc. Have not found out all the details yet but it should be a crazy weekend.
I know I haven;t posted in a long time but I was away on vacation and loving every minute of it. Other than that I have been watching the Beijing Olympics and have been utterly disappointed. Canada is performing worse than a 6 year old girl playing in an NFL pre-season game.
Needless to say, Canada needs some type of reform with sports becuase we always seem to get EMBARRASSED at the summer games. One swimmer for the US will most likely beat all of Canada combined together.
Other than that, all the hype before the games was kind of weird. They really don't talk about it anymore and definitly will stop talking about it once the games are over.
Anyways, here is to our first top ten finish.......