Jun 29, 2008

Television Tango: The Office Gets Renewed

I caught wind of the extension for three more years on the net. This is very exciting for any Office fans because I think the jokes are getting funnier and the scenes are getting more witty. I hope that everyone else will start watching the show if they haven't already.

Another Year Down: Happy Birthday Canada

Canada weekend has come once again and it should be another good day in downtown Ottawa. There is usually a pretty good vibe on that day. I checked around and I am pretty disappointed that there aren't any big headliners that I like at the parliament hill concert series that they hold every year. Instead of watching the fireworks downtown this year, I will be heading to Contant's Bay (I think that is how it is spelt) which should be a good change of pace.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great longer weekend and celebrates this great day.

Jun 26, 2008

Sporting Goods: Ford for O'Neal

So I was very excited to hear about this trade that is 'supposes' to be happening between the Raps and Pacers. I think overall this is a great trade for the raptors because they get a great player that can score. On the other hand, I hope Calderon can take the reigns by himself for a full season. The Raps also need to go out and replace Nesterovic with an equally good centre unless they expect to put Bargnani in that spot. I am still not sure if he is ready for that position.
Overall, I am glad that Bosh will have someone good to play with and help him in the paint.

Film Real Review: 10,000 BC

I just finished watching this movie for the first time and first impressions on it are about 6.5 out of 10. Overall, the story was kind of engaging and the special effects were pretty good. The major bad side to this movie is that some of the scenes/instances that took place in the movie were very unbelievable such as the the very end. I won't actually explain the ending in case someone else is late on watching it like me. I thought it was a very original idea for a movie though which is good to see in light of so many chick flicks and overdone comedy films. (Ex. Scary Movie 10)

Anyways, I would suggest watching it at least once. Hopefully you will find it fairly entertaining as I did.

Jun 25, 2008

Sporting Goods: Shaq Attempts to Diss Kobe

So I saw this video on sportsnet the other day and I thought that I would have to comment on it. I hate how Shaw thinks that he is the best player in the world because he won one more championship than Kobe while he was on an amazing team. Plus, Shaq you are getting really old, slow, fat and your talent is now being shown for what it always was....based on your size. Kobe on the other hand, has shown he is an actual superstar and can carry any team on his back. He helped bring the Lakers back from being a terrrible team to the leagues runner up.

The only good thing I will say for Shaq is that is raps are pretty catchy.

Tech News: Zune in Canada

So. this post is a couple of weeks late but it is still very important to note that it happened. The new Zune's should give Ipods more of a run for there money. I can't wait until I get mine and try it out. Now I just need someone else to buy one so that we can share our songs WIRELESSLY to one another.
Anyways, just saying that it is probably going to be a good option for those people who are getting tired of ipods.

Jun 24, 2008

Soulja Boy Dance Video......the SEQUEL?????

Just in case anybody missed this amazing video that these cool guys made a while back, be sure to check this out. It is probably the best video ever made (no too biased or anything). It is a fun parity that my friends and I made one afternoon. There has been rumours of a sequel in the works, but there has been no contracts signed yet. As soon as I find out from the directors about it, I will be sure to spread the news.

Click on the title to view the video!!!!!

Television Tango: Hell's Kitchen

So there are only three people left in the show and it should be getting pretty exciting tonight as the second last show. The two girls look like they will smoke the last man standing but I am sure he will pull something out to make it to the end. What I really hope for in the next season is that they will actually get GOOD chefs to start the season, so we get to see actual cooking rather then burning. On that note, then we won't be able to watch Gordon Ramsey yell obsenities at the contestants.

Here is to a good finale for the season or at least someone chopping off their finger again.

Jun 21, 2008

Sporting Goods: Jay's Make BIG Changes

As my first post ever on my new blog, I saw it only fitting to talk about the biggest news of the weekend. The Toronto Blue Jays have lost about 100 games in a row now and they have decided to fire their manager John Gibbins and replace him with the great legend of.........Cito Gaston. This is probably the best move they could make other than firing JP Ricciardi himself. I am pretty excited to see what type of changes he will make and how the team will turn around.

Here is to hoping they will clinch another World Series in my lifetime.